I’ve been a bit boring lately as I’ve been focusing on leveling crafting again. I’m currently leveling Goldsmith, Blacksmith, and Leatherworker all at the same time. I’ve been using both my level 50 crafts plus my Botanist and my 38 Miner to supply these crafts. I haven’t had to purchase any materials. I’ve literally only spent gil on teleports so I’m slowly making a bit of gil.

Here’s an image of Lightning in the world of FFXIV.

As far as future plans, I have a few things cooked up. I won’t go into details yet because the plans could fall through. However, I do intend to finish my Lancer/Dragoon Hunting Log guides by next week. I’ve got a shard farming guide slated to follow that so look for both of those in the forseeable future.

Nothing else really noteworthy at the moment. Make sure to check out my guide list. I’ll also be making an episode tracker this week so that keeping up to date on episodes will be easier. Thanks for tuning in, I’ll be bringing you another episode on the 19th.

Here’s my character just showing off my Relic +1, now that I’ve finally gotten around to getting a picture of it.