Up to now, these two games have been digital-only on Nintendo Switch, but that’s about to change with a new bundle from PlayAsia.

The company has now sweetened the pot even more: it has opened pre-orders for a two-in-one physical bundle of Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII Remastered.

It’s listed as an Asia-region game, but like many other physical editions of digital games, it’ll feature full English language support.

As of now, the price is set at $49.99, though there’s no firm date when buyers can expect their copy to ship. 


Some might be thinking back to PlayAsia’s exclusive physical edition of Final Fantasy VIII Remastered that never materialized, despite being up for pre-order before the game launched.

However, this latest announcement comes from Square Enix Asia via a Facebook post, meaning we can be confident this is a real game and not something that will vanish into the mist, never to return.

As of now, there’s no indication this bundled version of the two classic RPGs will end up on other systems or PC, and there is also no word whether we can expect a physical version for Final Fantasy IX, which also released on the Switch earlier in the year.