I’m putting this guide together to give you an easy way to see all the Crystal Surges that give Mutations, and the list of Mutations. I won’t go into detail explaining how Mutations or Custom Abilities work, so check out my Crystal Surges and Custom Abilities guide if you need help with that.

This guide will go over the Crystal Surges and Mutations available in Final Fantasy Explorers including:

Crystal Surge Mutations List - Which Crystal Surges give you Mutations. Mutations Info - What each Mutation does.

Crystal Surge Mutations List

First, I’ll list what mutations you can get from each Crystal Surge. The Crystal Surge is on the left and the Mutations you can get from it are on the right. Below that will be a list that describes what each mutation does.

Slash Affinity - Slash, Death Strike Affinity - Strike, Confuse Thrust Affinity - Thrust, Fog Shot Affinity - Shot, Disable Fire Affinity - Fire, Burn Ice Affinity - Ice, Freeze Thunder Affinity - Thunder, Paralyze Earth Affinity - Earth, Immobilize Wind Affinity - Wind, Sleep Water Affinity - Water, Silence Light Affinity - Light, Slow Dark Affinity - Dark, Blind

Combo Boost - Combo Factor Tonberry Karma - Carnage Factor 1,000 Needles Mode - Critical Power Up Immunity Shock - Poison, Debuff Factor Undermine - Element Resist Up, Element Resist Down Critical Star - Critical Rate Up, Exploit Weakness Bypass Buffs - Remove Ailments, Remove Buffs Giant - Malice Accrual Up, Area of Effect Up Superarmor - P-Defense Up, M-Defense Up Damage Screen - P-Attack Down, M-Attack Down Agony - P-Defense Down, M-Defense Down Physical Breakout - P-Attack Up Magic Breakout - M-Attack Up

Hyper Speed - Haste, Faster Cooldown Hyper Recovery - Recover HP, Regen Angel’s Litany - Float, Reraise Fleeting Dream - Create Image, Multi-hit Rear Strike - Back Attack Eye of Medusa - Stone, Front Attack Megadrain - Absorb HP, Absorb AP Defense Void - Bypass Defense Moment’s Respite - Stop, Duration Up

Top Form - HP Power Factor, Buff Factor Rock Bottom - HP Inverse Factor, AP Inverse Factor Twofold Return - Reflect Stealth - Invisibility, Malice Accrual Down Burst of Resonance - Resonance Boost, Resonance Factor Heightened Trance - Trance Boost Endless Link - Link Ability, Instant Cooldown Supersnipe - Range Up, Range Factor

You don’t have much control over which Crystal Surges come up, so if you don’t see one you want, keep fighting until you do. Monk’s can reset the list of Crystal Surges by healing allies with Chakra, so other Jobs might also be able to do that.

Many of these give a chance for the effect, so you might need to stack multiple Mutations before it is helpful.

Mutations Info

I’m going to separate all the Mutations into categories below.

Status Ailments 

Death - Chance to instantly kill Confuse - Reverses movement Fog - Prevents use of Physical abilities Disable - Prevents all actions except movement Burn - Inflicts damage over time and reduces P-Defense and M-Defense Freeze - Prevents all actions Paralyze - Prevents all actions except movement and reduces movement speed Immobilize - Stops all movement Sleep - Stops all actions and target awakens when hit Silence - Prevents use of magical abilities Slow - Reduces movement speed Blind - Reduces the accuracy of all attacks Poison - Inflicts damage over time and reduces P-Attack and M-Attack Stop - Prevents all actions

Elemental and Damage Type

Fire - Adds Fire damage to the ability  Water - Adds Water damage to the ability  Ice - Adds Ice damage to the ability  Wind - Adds Wind damage to the ability  Thunder - Adds Thunder damage to the ability  Earth - Adds Earth damage to the ability  Light - Adds Light damage to the ability  Dark - Adds Dark damage to the ability  Slash - Adds Slash damage to the ability  Strike - Adds Strike damage to the ability  Thrust - Adds Thrust damage to the ability  Shot - Adds Shot damage to the ability 

Stat Changes

Critical Power Up - Increases how much damage your critical hits deal

Critical Rate Up - Increases your chances of getting a critical hit

Element Resist Up  - Increases resistance to Elemental attacks, making them deal less damage to the target

Element Resist Down - Decreases the target’s resistance to elemental attacks, making them take more damage from them

Malice Accrual Up - Increases how much Malice you get from monsters, making them more likely to attack you

Malice Accrual Down - Decreases how much Malice you get from monsters, making them less likely to attack you

Area of Effect Up - Increases the radius of your area of effect abilities

P-Defense Up - Increases the target’s P-Defense, causing them to take less physical damage

P-Defense Down - Decreases the target’s P-Defense, causing them to take more damage from physical attacks

M-Defense Up - Increases the target’s M-Defense, causing them to take less magic damage

M-Defense Down - Decreases the target’s M-Defense, causing them to take more damage from magic attacks

P-Attack Up - Increases the target’s P-Attack, causing them to deal more physical damage

P-Attack Down - Decreases the target’s P-Attack, causing them to deal less physical damage

M-Attack Up - Increases the target’s M-Attack, causing them to deal more magic damage

M-Attack Down - Decreases the target’s M-Attack, causing them to deal less magic damage

Buffs, Heals, Etc

Combo Factor - Increases damage based on how many hits you have in the current combo

Carnage Factor - Increases damage based on how many monsters you have killed during the quest

HP Power Factor - The more health you have, the more damage you do

HP Inverse Factor - The less health you have, the more damage you do

AP Inverse Factor - The less AP you have, the more damage you do

Buff Factor - The more buffs you have, the more damage you do

Debuff Factor - The more debuffs the enemy has, the more damage you do

Exploit Weakness - Causes extra damage when you attack an enemy’s weak spot

Remove Ailments - Removes one status ailment from the target

Remove Buffs - Removes one buff from the enemy

Haste - Increases movement speed and AP recovery

Faster Cooldown - Decreases the cooldown of abilities

Instant Cooldown - Chance of instantly finishing the ability’s cooldown

Recover HP - Chance to recover HP when the ability is used

Regen - Chance to give HP over time when the ability is used

Float - Chance to grant Float, causing target to avoid terrain effects

Reraise - Chance to grant Reraise, causing the target to automatically revive upon death

Create Image - Chance to create image of yourself, causing one attack to miss you

Multi-hit - Increases the number of hits an ability does

Back Attack - Causes extra damage when attacking behind a target

Front Attack - Causes extra damage when attacking in front of a target

Absorb HP - Chance to absorb HP when attacking

Absorb AP - Chance to absorb AP when attacking

Bypass Defense - Causes the ability to bypass a percentage of the target’s defense

Duration Up - Increases the duration of an ability

Reflect - Reflects magic attacks

Invisibility - Turns invisible, causing target to not gain malice when attacking

Resonance Boost - Causes ability to create more resonance

Resonance Factor - Increases damage based on how much resonance you have

Trance Boost - Causes ability to fill up more of the Trance gauge

Link Ability - Allows you to cancel current ability’s animation into the linked ability for increased damage and speed

Range Up - Increased distance ability travels

Range Factor - Increases damage based on how far the ability travels

That wraps up my guide on Final Fantasy Explorers Mutations and Crystal Surges. Let me know if you have any questions and check out my Beginner Tips and Tricks for more help!