Massage is very expensive, but you don’t have to crush your savings to get a massage. If you love getting a massage you can find it at any place at offers cheap massage because everyone is not much wealthy enough to pay $100 for a 10minutes massage. So, I have found some ways for you to find cheap massage deals that will not cost you much and it will give you a sense of relaxation as it will be easy on your pocket. 

Find cheap massage deals?

There are many places where one can search for cheap deals on massage including local massage deals that is near to one person and helps a person find a reasonable deal for oneself and one can also visit sites like Groupon, LivingSocial, etc. It is a more convenient and cheap way to get discounts that are close to you. Or you can also visit some renowned places such as the airport massage or massage internships as for tempting customers they offer huge discounts on massages. 

At Emirates airport, I saw a massage spa that was offering a $10 deal which included a massage for 10 minutes and that is cheaper, you can also look for the inauguration of a new saloon as they also offer huge discounts on their deals including massage and other related services. If in case you don’t find deals in any of the above-mentioned ways then I have a hack for you, you can buy a trial membership of any massage centre that will initially cost you 10% of the total cost for 30days as for new members many online massage or spa centres offers these membership discounts for the mentioned trial period and with that, you will also have some perks for premium members and it will also give you access to all services of the particular spa on a minimum 10% discount.

Steps to Find cheap massage deals

Check local massage centres or saloonsSee online DealsVisit renowned placesFind a friend who can provide you with a referral

Check for local massage centres:

Local massage centres are usually cheap and provide excellent services when it comes to massage and other related services because they are running a small setup so they initially focus on clients, not on money, which gives clients a perk of getting cheap deals from these locally located saloons.

See Online Deals

You can sign up for various websites that will offer you vouchers, discount cards or gift cards that are mostly applicable to saloons and spas and by using them you will get cheap and discounted deals on massage and related services, many salons and spas put their advertisements online in which they offer multiple discounts and coupons.

Visiting Renowned places:

You can also visit some renowned places that offer different services. These places could include airports and malls. In these places, you can get many discounts on massage and other related services. You can also get gift hampers from these places for free.

Find a Friend who can provide you with a referral?

You can also find a friend who has premium membership of any salon or spa that offers massage related services, if you use your friend referral you can get a cheap or discounted deals on various massage centres. That’s why referrals are very useful if you are looking for a discount or you can have other perks. 

For example:

One of my best friends Harry had a membership of Great Score Spa, and when he referred me there those guys give him $20 as a referral gift and they provided me with a 40% discount on my plan with a gift hamper. There are many ways in which you can find a cheap massage deal, but all the ways have a cost, of your time and effort. The more you spend your time watching for discounts and cheap deals, the more there is a chance of finding one. It may take some of your precious time but you will find a deal that suits your budget and cost. 


As we are living in a global village, we can see that we are connected via the internet, so for getting as many clients as they can the online and offline marketplace provides a lot of perks for making you a perfect customer. In these days of connectivity, anyone can find cheap deals for anything especially when it comes to relaxing yourself i.e., massage and other related services that help our body relax and helps fade depression and anxiety.

Do I need an internet connection for visiting these websites?

Yeah, for online websites you must need an active internet connection.

Do I need to pay all of the trial bills online or with cash?

If you sign up on a website you will probably pay with your banking card, if you visit your local massage centre then you can pay with cash.

What if I don’t get a deal?

See the options discussed in the article, you’ll surely get a deal. 

How can I get more deals?

You can surf the internet for more websites.

How Much Money you can Save?

You can probably save more than $5000 if you are using these tips in a lifetime as people who want to save money same through their lifetime and these will help you in your savings etc.