Note: Greasemonkey extension required (link at bottom of article).

Using Greasefire

Here is what the “Right Click Menu” looks like with just Greasemonkey installed…

Once you have installed Greasefire you will be able to easily see if there are any scripts available or not for your favorite websites. Here you can see the results for a website that had no scripts available.

Now for a website that does have scripts available…you will be able to see an immediate difference in the “Status Bar Icon”.

Here is a close-up of “Status Bar Icon”…right clicking shows that there are 310 scripts available. To see the scripts that are available simply click on the “# scripts available” listing.

Clicking on the “# scripts available” listing will open a new window where you can scroll through the list of scripts available and view the “Details & Source” for each script. Notice that there is also a “Ranking” available for each script. For our example we chose to install the “ice blue google skin” using the “Install Button Bar” in the lower right corner…

Once you click on the “Install Button Bar” you will be presented with a window like this. At this point you can confirm the installation, view the script source, or cancel the installation.

A quick check of our “Right Click Menu” shows that our new script successfully installed and is active.

Refreshing our search page shows a “shifting” in the color scheme for the links…a nice change from the default blue color.


The options for Greasefire are very simple…choose the number of days between updates for the user scripts index/data base or you can choose to update manually ahead of schedule.


Greasefire simplifies discovering new user scripts for all of your favorite websites and definitely makes a nice addition to any Firefox browser with Greasemonkey installed.


Download the Greasefire extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the Greasefire extension (Extension Homepage)

Download the Greasemonkey extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the Greasemonkey extension (Extension Homepage)