According to the official Fire Emblem Fates website, the game will be releasing alongside the Fire Emblem Fates: Map Pack 1. This DLC pack sold for $17.99 USD will include over 12 maps that range from generic missions, to story-driven ones, and even some reimaginings of missions from older games.

DLC Map Details:

(Feb. 19) Before Awakening - Beyond the gate to another world lies the Halidom of Ylisse. Free DLC. Easy difficulty mission that rewards players with a pebble, as well as an Exalt’s Brand or Hero’s Brand. (Feb. 25) Boo Camp - It is said that there is another world where one can get plenty of experience. . . $2. 49 USD. Easy difficulty mission that rewards player with extra experience. (Feb. 25) Beach Brawl - And the winner of the royal families’ battle over a ticket to paradise is. . . $2. 49 USD. Medium difficulty (fan-service) mission that rewards players with special event illustrations. (Mar. 3) Ghostly Gold - It is said that there is another world where one can get plenty of gold. . .  $2. 49 USD. Easy difficulty mission that rewards players with a sizable amount of in-game gold. (Mar. 3) Museum Melee - It is said that there is a world where one can get many new weapons. . . $2. 49 USD. Easy difficulty mission that rewards players with various weapon drops. (Mar. 17) Royal Royale - A battle to determine the strongest royal. And the last one standing is- $2. 49 USD. Intense difficulty mission that will reward players with an item to raise all stats, as well as a Dread Scroll / Ebon Wing. (Mar. 24) Hidden Truths (1 and 2) - The secret prologue to the world of Fates. 2 map set.  $4. 49 USD. Hard difficulty missions that will reward players with Fell Brand / First Blood. (Mar. 31) Vanguard Dawn - A trial ground using the stage Elincia’s Gambit from Radiant Dawn.  $1. 99 USD. A medium difficulty mission that rewards players with a Vanguard Brand. (Apr. 7) Anna on the Run -  Anna is cornered by thieves! What will her fate be. . . ? $1. 99 USD. Easy difficulty mission that rewards players with Anna as a playable character. (Apr. 14) Ballistician Blitz - A trial ground using the stage The Wooden Cavalry from Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.  A unique map including the rare Ballistician class. Rewards players with a Sighting Lens. (Apr. 14) A Gift from Anna - If you select “A Gift from Anna” from the “Play DLC” section of the Dragon’s Gate after downloading, you may select and receive either the Sighting Lens or the Witch’s Mark. Only playable once. Free DLC. (Apr. 21) Witches’ Trial - A trial ground using the stage Fear Mountain from Fire Emblem Gaiden. $1. 99 USD. Medium difficulty mission that rewards players with a Witch’s Mark.

For those who don’t like math, the total for buying the maps individually amounts to $24.90 USD. That’s $6.91 more than buying Fire Emblem Fates: Map Pack 1, so if you are interested in getting them all then it would be best to buy the pack instead. Remember, some of the maps are free and can be played without buying Map Pack 1, so feel free to test those ones out before deciding whether or not you want to download the rest!

The DLC page also states that anyone who has not purchased the Special Edition of Fire Emblem Fates will have to wait until March 10th to download it. Anyone who purchases either Birthright or Conquest will be able to buy the other paths for a reduced DLC price of $19.99, although the site does not make it clear whether or not this will be as a bundle or individually.

It’s worth noting that Fire Emblem Awakening did very well in DLC sales. While the chance of successful sales of Fire Emblem Fates are still in the air as a result of the recent controversies, hopefully the game will sell well enough that Nintendo of America still knows that North American players still care about the series.

Fire Emblem Fates will be released in North America on February 19th, 2016, while European players are still waiting for news of their release date.