Fire Emblem Awakening: 242,600 unitsFire Emblem if (Birthright, Conquest, & Special Edition): 303,666

To give you a better idea of how other games have been doing, here are the Japanese debut week sales for a few other popular Nintendo games – releases listed in reverse choronological order.

[3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best + : 42,718 units [Wii U] Splatoon (05/28/15) : 37,458 units [3DS] Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire : 4,899 units [Wii U] Mario Kart 8 : 7,978 units

Now of course this list doesn’t include lifetime sales, otherwise Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire would be completely crushing the competition with their combined 2,648,334 units. Still, considering that Awakening was almost the last installment in the series, Fire Emblem if’s debut week has definitely made a statement.