Firestick Voice Command Not Working
How To Reconnect The Remote?
The first thing you should do is check these things:
Check if the battery is working. Get the remote checked, the microphone might be broken. Check if voice commands are turned ON. There is nothing between TV and remote.
This Is How You Can Check If The Voice Command Is Turned ON:
Go to the settings and go to the input and commands menu. You will see an option to search using voice, enable this option. Try the voice command search and check if it is working.
To reset your Fire TV remote, disconnect your Fire TV device for up to a minute. Then hold the left, menu, and back buttons on the remote control for up to 10 or more seconds. Next, pull out the batteries, reconnect your Fire TV stick device, and wait for a minute. Finally, reinsert the battery and hold down the home button.
Note: For a first-generation Fire TV stick, you do not need to hold the back button but only hold the left and menu buttons.
Here is a step-wise description of how to reset the remote:
Unplug Fire TV Stick for about 60 seconds. Hold down the menu button, left button, and the back button. Pull out the batteries from the Fire TV stick remote. Hook up the Fire TV stick & wait for about a minute. Re-insert the batteries in the remote. Lastly, hold the home button for about 9 to 10 seconds.
If the remote does not reset using this method, then you may have to reset the remote manually. You can manually pair a new remote like this:
How To Pair A New Remote?
The Fire TV stick allows users to pair up to 7 remotes. If you have used up all the slots and need to pair a new remote, you may have to unpair one of the old remotes and then connect the new one.
Here Is How To Unpair An Old Remote:
Follow steps 1, 2, and 3 stated above, this brings you to the Fire TV remotes sections in settings. Use the menu button to unpair the remote and then select confirm to finish unpairing the remote.
Other Alternatives:
Here is how you can connect your phone to the Fire TV stick:
This method can be used to pair a new remote to the Fire TV stick if the old remote does not work. Else, you could use your phone as a Fire TV stick remote.
Now we have learnt “Firestick Voice Command Not Working”, In case your Fire TV stick’s voice command does not work when using the Fire TV stick remote, there might be an issue with the remote. To solve this problem, it is recommended to reset the Fire TV stick remote or pair a replacement remote. Another method is to connect your mobile device to the Fire TV Stick.
Q) Where can you get a spare Fire TV stick remote?