I had the pleasure to try the demo at the Square Enix Media Suite during New York Comic Con. The amazing graphics are impossible not to notice on the Xbox One. After some cutscenes, I gain control of Lara to find a hidden oasis. Running and jumping are vital to maneuver Lara across the collapsing terrain.
I discover what appears to be an area lost to the ages. Monstrous trees and vines extend to the heavens, showcasing the greens and golden hues of the ground beneath Lara’s feet. Broken bits of what was once a temple are scattered amongst the landscape. The sound of rushing water surrounds me through the stereo headset. The scene is striking and completely envelops me.
Squeezing through tight spaces, breaking down walls, and having a constant eye out for potential hazards are part of the game. Discovery of collectibles to boost your language translation are also key in order to gain access to the higher level crypts and other areas, though they never impact story completion. The attention to detail gives an astounding sense of realism, from the way Lara’s fingers bend underwater to the sounds she hears while submerged.
Rise of the Tomb Raider looks like it boasts linear storyline with great details throughout. I enjoyed the short demo quite a bit. I am told that the crafting system will allow for bow upgrades through various materials discovered within the game. Lara will also need to rely on her “survival instincts” in order to solve any riddles along her journey.
For fans of Lara Croft, you will certainly enjoy Rise of the Tomb Raider. There are tons of puzzles that become more and more challenging as you progress through the story.
Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more details upon release.