We told you yesterday that Vietnamese website Tinhte.vn, which acquired yet-to-be-released Apple products in the past, appeared to have a legit third-generation iPad. Following an unboxing video, the website quickly Geekbenched the device and now posted images taken with the new iPad’s 5-megapixel iSight camera.

The website also posted some screenshots of apps optimized by Apple for the new iPad’s Retina display and claimed most apps are 2.5 to 3 times larger. The website noted Keynote, as an example, jumped to 327MB from 115MB before. iMovie is now 404MB, compared to the 70MB app before being upgraded for the new iPad. Of course, many new features packed into the latest updates could account for the increased file size. You can check out a screenshot of iPhoto running on the third-generation iPad and the full gallery of photos taken with the new camera after the break.